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tv   Interviews Culture Art Documentaries and Sports  RT  April 8, 2014 5:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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coming up on r t usually drone pilots launch strikes on faceless targets from a far but an artist collective hopes to change that with huge pictures of drone victims more on this project just ahead and on capitol hill the administrator of the usa aidid finds himself in the hot seat senators grilled the agency's leader over attempts to influence cubans through social media the latest on today's hearing coming up and world powers have agreed to meet next week to discuss the ukraine crisis this is while eastern ukraine sees a rise in tensions more on that later in the show.
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it's tuesday april eighth five pm in washington d.c. david and you're watching r.t. america. drama pilots are often thousands of miles away from their target sitting in a remote room and relying on a flying robots camera to make decisions on who will be the next victim sometimes a victim is an enemy combatant and sometimes it's just an innocent civilian and while those innocent civilians become a statistic they are rarely ever a name let alone a face but an artist collective from pakistan france and the us want to change all of that a new project laid out a giant poster of a young child with the hopes that it will be visible from the sky the group installed the picture in an unnamed town in a rule pakistani province close to the northwest border with afghanistan it's an area heavily targeted by drone strikes on the project's website the artist talked about how they hope to shift the perception of drone attacks they said now when
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viewed by a drone camera what an operator sees on his screen is not an anonymous dot on the landscape but an innocent child victims face all to discuss this initiative along with the latest news surrounding the u.s. drone warfare program i was joined earlier by kathy kelly coordinator at voices for creative nonviolence take a look well i'm left up mostly grace of the humanity just shone through in the decision of the artist to use art in a very creative than a disturbing way to have all of the the end in row composed as are we and it's not as though the journo creators go out and buy those jones and silver. so here we are with the united states. turning over billions and billions of dollars every year to the military industrial complex and it's proliferating it happening all over the work so so very important that people find within the peace movement
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within the anti-war movement in various churches to words in ways to join together in a decent human being and if we lose our capacity to have regard for others human beings as people just like ourselves who love their children just as much as we love ours that's a huge loss isn't absolutely well i want to shift to the latest drone related news we thought to converse in last week introduced new legislation that would require the president to make an annual public report on the number of persons killed now a lot of people find it curious in the first place that these numbers are not available already you know considering the government says the amount of civilian deaths is low what's your sense as to why these numbers have not been released yet . many of the german strikes in pakistan where operated by cia personnel and they're not required to give that kind of information is kept
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classified also because the united states is considered to be at war in afghanistan . that also makes an exception so then you have it places like somalia in yemen. we're not at war against pakistan but people have been killed there also i think that it certainly is necessary to practice accountability and transparency and that the united states public should be involved in the discussion but i think we need to know much more about why the united states agreed under international law and after cautions from the united nations that it has any right whatsoever to use drones for assassination of so-called highly valued targets. you know. one judge in
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washington where air force bases that court in that area in the united kingdom told the court when people had crossed the line to protest against the united kingdom using drones against isis like a plan that it wasn't acceptable to say that washington hasn't become a worse than those drone operators are maybe a thousand miles away from the war and they're a team inches away from war and so you know here we are in the united states of president hasn't told us that we're at war we're just always constantly being probed into the war and chair as it's played out in places like yemen to somalia and i understand and pakistan and yet you know general mcchrystal who had formerly been in charge of the international security assistance forces. in. that in two thousand and thirteen that the drugs work actually jeopardizes u.s. security because the arrogance of the you know. in your in the senate in
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frustration and rage i see. i think you make a good point there but i want to ask you about something else we heard about the just last week a lawsuit that was just dismissed against the obama administration over the two thousand and eleven drone strike killings of three u.s. citizens and yemen the judge granted the obama administration's motion to dismiss the case saying congress rather should decide on the issue but if congress says what the u.s. did was ok and killing these u.s. citizens doesn't mean that you know any american who's abroad is really fair game as a target well i think that that could be what would develop and i think that right now that we have the responsibility whether the person is an american or whether they're citizen of another country we have a huge responsibility to watch you keep bringing this issue before the courts in
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the justice department and by the executive department with it by the president and through the legislative system and to the court of public opinion and that's why some of us has chosen to go to places where the germs are being operated like creature or space in below the air or space in hancock field and made to mine air national guard when we're doing it you'll find actions happening all over the country this spring to say that we don't believe that we want to take public has ever been concerned that adequately about this issue and we're here to blame our right not to kill all right kathy kelly coordinator at voices for creative nonviolence thanks for weighing in thank you very much for coming. well seven million people voted in afghanistan's presidential elections saturday and it's being hailed a success despite pre-election violence and early reports of fraud eight men were on the ballot for the election but to win office a candidate has to grab more than fifty percent of total votes so
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a runoff election is likely for the very latest let's go to our catherine off in kabul this election it was a success in terms of voter turnout we saw an estimated nearly sixty percent of afghans heading to the polls despite the very violent run up to election day with the taliban carrying out a series of attacks aimed at disrupting the elections there wasn't an immediate indication of the kind of widespread fraud that haunted the two thousand and nine vote when more than a million votes had to be disqualified but still much too early to take to to make any at decorations or assumptions here counting is still underway and it could take weeks to get the official results in order to allow for fraud and complaints to be investigated we did see a shortage of ballots across the country likely due to the high turnout but also concerns that ballot stuffing played a role that's something that still needs to be investigated and despite the high turnout there were small parts of the country that barely saw any such as districts in the wardak province where the taliban hold sway those kinds of areas couldn't be
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monitored properly because of the security threats and that means that we still don't have a complete picture of just how the elections went across the country the other issue is the candidates now in order to win based on saturday's results alone a single candidate needs to take more than fifty percent of the vote with eighty men in the running it's difficult to see how that will actually happen at this point the two front front runners pardon me appear to be on top dani and dr abdullah abdullah i should stress that this is based on preliminary an official tallies by news organizations here he's a former world bank executive who has picked an extremely controversial running mate a man that even he described as a known killer was the militia commander general dostum who was accused of brutal killings in the civil war of the one nine hundred ninety s. dr abdullah abdullah also has a running mate who's. branded as a warlord the other linked to a violent insurgent group and mr karzai is former foreign minister who is believed to be his favorite pick appears to be running behind but again it will take time to get the official count this is just based on the preliminary results and of course
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what all this means is that if no one candidate has a clear majority this paves the way for a runoff election likely sometime in may or early june and that means that afghanistan could go through this whole process again and of course the big concern would be with the fighting season underway what will the taliban do if that happens and whether security will hold if the runoff does take place that was our correspondent lizzie catherine off. as western forces prepared to pull out of afghanistan thousands of innocent child victims remain according to the u.n. five hundred sixty one children were killed in afghanistan's war in two thousand and thirteen nearly twelve hundred were wounded one of them is an afghan girl who had her arm blown off by a taliban grenade and she recently underwent a life changing surgery in the u.s. artie's ramon glenda brings us the story of the children caught in the crossfire so . cute jump for joy at her going away party in orange county california the little girl from khost afghanistan wasn't always as happy. as she was very quiet and she
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really didn't like going outside and interacting with that many people came to the u.s. for life transforming surgery she lost her arm and her right in a grenade blast in her war ravaged homeland the night before there was lots of gun gun battle between i guess the taliban in the u.s. military and the next morning she woke up with her sibling and a friend and she picked up what looked like a was a rock but actually it was a grenade hit it on the floor and it exploded a nonprofit brush abhi beach of the u.s. to receive medical treatment and a new prosthetic arm the children of war found. maybe to the united states to receive some much needed medical care unfortunately there are thousands of other innocent children who have been victims of war in afghanistan and are unable to access the same type of care there's so many children like i said she's
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a fortunate one who came here there are so many more children this kind of. the conflict in afghanistan has dealt a heavy blow on the nation civilian population a report by the united nations assistance mission for afghanistan showed that two thousand and thirteen was the worst year for women and children last year five hundred sixty one children were killed and one thousand one hundred ninety five were wounded many were victims of roadside bombs or got caught in the crossfire of ongoing insurgent battles i hope they're also. i hope she's ok when she goes. but i know. she's ok says goodbye to america and returns to her home country just days after afghans went to the polls to choose a new president now loved ones are hoping for a brighter future in a war torn nation in garden grove california. archie. well the supreme court this week declined an expedited hearing of
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a constitutional challenge to the national security agency's bulk collection of american telephone records and that means the dispute will have to work its way through the typical lower court process back in december of last year conservative lawyer larry klayman have persuaded a federal judge to rule that the agency's activities likely violated the constitution's ban on unreasonable searches however the judge in washington d.c. had to put his decision on hold pending a government appeal and while claimant was seeking to bypass that appeals process supreme court justices rejected his longshot request to hear the case immediately because of that decision it could likely take several months before the justices consider any legal challenge to the controversial collection program but keep in mind clamens lawsuit is just one of two dueling n.s.a. cases currently winding their way through the federal appeals system meanwhile
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n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden testified today at a parliament ceri hearing on mass surveillance at the council of europe and stromberg while giving evidence via video call from moscow he cited the u.s. government's confirmation in recent months about the negative effects of its spy tactics and how it violates e.u. member states privacy the government has certain. programs that have nobody. to western. the dangers. of watching their. desires i'm sure. snowden went on to outline how the n.s.a. has spies on highly sensitive and confidential communications of major human rights organizations such as amnesty international and human rights watch. still ahead here on our t.v. on capitol hill the administrator of the usa id finds himself in the hot seat
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senators grilled the agency's leader over attempts to influence cubans through social media the latest on that after the break. washington well it's a mess it. is a. prophecy we're going to leave back to you and doesn't do too much for ad revenue my attack of the culture johnny and the song the seventy six
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year old american farmer in the studio fallout do you think this is going to the create or the cia do you think this is what's triggering the break there is the largest in the world it's also the largest debtor nation instead of breaking the set is mostly about alternatives to the status quo i want to give you all those points which is where the american dream is the next they were just by the story by stein for americans and lawmakers in washington to wake up and start talking about the real causes of. well the chief administrator of the united states agency for international development was on capitol hill today making his pitch to lawmakers for more funding and this comes just days after the associated press revealed as a usa id was operating a twitter like social networking site in cuba i was collecting personal information
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on tens of thousands of cubans in hopes of possibly undermining the cuban government and that's exactly what ended up being the focus of today's hearing artie's political commentator sam sachs has more from capitol hill. the program was designed in two thousand and seven in two thousand and eight at that time frame that said the legislation that crashed the purpose of the program no idea was it for this specific program i've read the legislation the legislation doesn't say anything about setting up a caucus many idea in cuba twitter accounts and all i'm something of to cubans would be so easy to to discover whose idea was this specific program to go to cuba who that was the chairman of the appropriations subcommittee overseeing usaid funding senator patrick leahy demanding to know who came up with the idea of a cuban twitter a question the administrator of usaid dr rajiv shah couldn't answer first let me
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just say it was supposed to be a boring hearing about usaid specifically year twenty fifteen budget but instead it turned into a debate over whether or not the agency is working outside its primary mission and now engaging in activities that not only endangered staff but could ruin the agency's reputation around the world off the bat dr shah defended u.s. aids activities in cuba saying they fed well within the law governing its democracy assistance programs in that nation now congress has given us aid roughly two hundred million dollars since one thousand nine hundred six for democracy assistance in cuba but lawmakers say they weren't adequately informed about how that money was being spent by usaid and why some are accusing the agency of running a covert program senator leahy also mentioned u.s. government contractor alan gross who was arrested by cuban authorities in two thousand and nine while on a u.s. aid mission in the country to distribute electronic communications equipment some
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of that equipment was illegal under cuban law gross has now been in a cuban jail for more than four years and has begun a hunger strike to protest his detention and it was senator leahy arguing that usaid is partly to blame for gross's arrest and the agency is putting more of its workers at risk by engaging in these sorts of missions did you not. having a u.s.c. idea bully. do this say something that anybody who has any knowledge of how the cuban secret police and formants and all work is going to be discovered doesn't that taint all usa idea employees around the world as spies now dr rajiv shah also testified in front of a house appropriations subcommittee this afternoon where you receive some similar tough questions about cuban twitter and he'll be testifying at more hearings in the
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coming days to discuss u.s. aid funding levels for fiscal year two thousand and fifteen and whether he wants to or not he's going to have to continue to defend his agency's tactics which he claims are in line with usa its primary mission to end extreme poverty and promote democratic societies but with one of the agency's own workers any cuban jail and reports of this cuban twitter fiasco in the media lawmakers say usaid is behaving more like a clandestine cia outfit rather than an international development organization. from capitol hill in washington d.c. same sex. and now to guantanamo where today one yemeni detainees having his case evaluated by a periodic review board which could grant his release khalid nasir al behind me is a thirty four year old yemeni who is suspected of having fought in afghanistan for the extremist group according to a u.s.
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defense department prisoner profile but behind he has never been charged with a crime despite the fact that he has now spent a third of his life at the military detention center now honey wants out of guantanamo and he's asking not to return back to his native yemen saying that he would instead like to get away from the turbulent region still rattled by al qaeda arguments are being presented but we don't yet know whether the honey will be released or charged in other get mo related news there are new calls for the release of the last remaining british detainee at the detention center following news that he has now been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and is quote falling apart shocker aamer has been held at the detention camp in cuba for twelve years without charge despite twice being cleared for release lawyer lawyers have now filed an urgent motion to the u.s. court seeking an immediate release on the grounds that he is gravely ill and
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independent medical report has declared he is suffering from eleven mental and physical issues including p.t.s.d. and debilitating headaches. the u.s. the e.u. and russia have agreed to meet in europe next week with ukraine to discuss the ongoing crisis in the country russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke in moscow today about how to form an inclusive ukrainian government take a look. what about it you go to display the system it's not just the government but all ukrainian people that need to be spoken to it and leaders of political parties in the country that represent all the major groups in ukrainian society need to be involved there has to be inclusive constitutional reforms on that allowing the interest of all people in ukraine to be represented as a cue while the u.s. agreed to the talks secretary john kerry says the u.s. and the e.u. are prepared to impose more sanctions on russia if it continues its involvement and what the u.s. calls the destabilization of the country here's what he had to say at
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a senate foreign relations committee hearing what we see from russia's illegal and illegitimate effort to destabilize a sovereign state and create a contrived crisis with paid operatives. across an international boundary engaged in this initiative this all comes as the turmoil continues and eastern ukraine over the region statehood for more let's go to journalist graham phillips on the ground and donetsk. last night so violent clashes between pro kiev and pro russian activists happened yesterday evening it hard cause we were able to speak to activists from the pro russia side. somebody ringing out here have been showing molotov cocktails thrown at the building saying that it was activists who provoked the conflict in reality a group of men who introduced themselves as policemen entered the building and started attacking unarmed people there using stun grenades and rubber bullets they
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never showed the right. there were many injured among us they pushed us so but that's when we made more tough cocktails and threw them inside trying to smoke them out but unlike them we never attempted to hurt them we were aiming for the walls later they saw a real force means arriving at the building and here in the netscape has been more peaceful since pro russia activists storm this regional administrative building on sunday they formed a people's council who are calling here for a referendum before the presidential election is held in kiev and in fact of course saying that they've declared an independent republic a sovereign state here and then it squares doesn't endorse it doesn't recognize the booty of the kiev government of course we have near to here lugansk we also saw government buildings stormed by those calling for referendum came from adesa yesterday and they've also recently been mass marches there in nickel i've of course the scene of violence yesterday where the pro russian activist in qana was
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stormed over ten injured there because throughout this south east part of ukraine the referendum is for degrees of federalization this is graham phillips here r.t. in donetsk and before we go don't forget to tune in at nine pm for larry king now tonight's guests are from the comedy series enlisted here's a snippet of what's to come. you have post-traumatic stress syndrome yeah that's one thing that's not a funny part of the show definitely in the funny part of the show and that was important to cabin in mike the show runners and myself. we were trying to. do our best to patrice soldier with p.t.s.d. in a way that they really are it's not i think when we first heard a lot about p.t.s.d. all everybody is kind of lumped into one category and sort of you are that we've realized is that everybody is affected differently by it. and it's not just you
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know oftentimes i think a part of the reason the military is nervous about television film is because they're often portrayed inaccurately like if you have p.t.s.d. you're just violent and that's not necessarily the case a friend of yeah yeah actually my best friend have been his best man twice. he he's four tours and suffers from p.t.s.d. he's a person that i talk to about this and after one of the episodes we first started dealing with this all i got was a text it's at nine o'clock eastern nine thirty eastern they just said thank you. so tonight nine pm tonight you're on our team america and that does it for now i mean you're a day that. you
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. know. most members of the u.s. congress make one hundred and seventy four thousand dollars a year for their important job of pushing a lot of paper around that's about triple the average household income here which covers rate around fifty thousand dollars but congressman jim moran from the great state of virginia says congress doesn't make enough you see the house just voted to deny congress an annual cost of living rates in response to congressman moran said quote i think the american people should know that members of congress are
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underpaid now before you get enraged at house stupid this says we should take a closer look at how really stupid to. first of all congress has a current approval rating of just fifteen percent in a recent gallup poll so basically no one's happy with the job they're doing that to be the first indicator that maybe that was not the time for a raise. that's probably why the house voted to raise down in the first place because most congress members realize it looks pretty bad to give themselves a raise right now and second of all our congressmen already make more than the average nuclear engineer nurse dentist in pharmacists in the u.s. according to the bureau of labor statistics i'm pretty sure. those are pretty important jobs and ones that don't just amount of pushing a lot of paper around like our congressman do including congressman moran if you take a look at his track record and track that you as you can see co-sponsored a whopping four hundred nine bills and resolutions and introduced thirteen of his
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own out of all of those exactly zero were passed that's a lot of paper pushing but to be fair if you look at his stats listed clean is not the worst congressman in the bunch they are all baber pushers and the reason they're all paper pushers who get nothing done is because they all have to protect the interests of all the corporations and individuals they've taken money from extra money on top of their one hundred seventy four thousand dollars salary all of those conflicting interests make for some pretty convoluted paper legislation that just get pushed around and never passed so if congress members really want to raise they should go as corporations for it because corporations are their real bosses now congress stopped working for the american people a long time ago and as congressman moran doesn't know that by now he's a real war. to date let's talk about that by following me on twitter at the
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resident. technology innovation all the developments from around russia we know the future covered. your friend post a photo for publication you can't. call it different. the boss repeats the same old joke of course you like. your ex-girlfriend stupids tear jerking poetry keep. norrish. we post only what really matters. to your facebook u.
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street. welcome to the kaiser report imax guys are to frack or not there for that is the question you will not be asked stacey no max big queen's speech to parliament will be june third and this headline is telling you what she will be saying trespass laws overhauled to make it easier for frack or firms will be able to access underground gas without asking landowners for permission right well this is really a tragedy i mean if this ongoing fracking tragedy here in the u.k. as we've been reporting fracking is economically unsound it's obviously environmentally unsound it does give people cancer and now they're adding this new
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layer of legal. oh how would you describe it. they're just going to ignore us and this is like the days of robin hood the sheriff is coming into town and in fact you have images on this article from the daily mail from the balcombe protests and you see the protesters being be into a pole by the police who are acting on behalf of quadrille and and the other corporations what do you know yeah it was like godzilla exactly the huge fracking monster. and the respect of private property member of the whole thing about this country is the reason the oligarchs come here is because the u.k. has a modicum of respect for private property but then here comes the queen you know shaking a little bit saying you know what in my claim speech i'm going to override the saudi of private property because after all that was part of all modern era of capitalism and i'm a feudalist and i prefer the fact that it's all my land anyway i think they the
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royal. of i call it like sixty or seventy percent of all the land mass anyway there's no actually what happens in the u.k. is that the crown owns all mineral rights in the nobody individual it doesn't matter if they find you know the equivalent of bergen oil field under your land you don't own any of it but they could drill it it all goes to the government in fact in this case what they're going to do the reform of the law would extend the existing rights of water gas and coal mining company set out the coal act of one thousand nine hundred eighty two go under people's land without permission compensation of around a hundred pounds is likely to be offered to lend. so here you have these thousands and thousands of lorries that will bring it be bringing in not only the equipment to drill but they're also be bringing in the water to drill because fracking what happens is you put in the rig drill down and then it goes up to a mile horizontally out underneath your land so it requires
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a lot of water however and chemicals they'll be blasting it under your land and in order to take that now. well gas let's be clear about something the amount of energy it takes to frack is a is more than the energy you get out of the ground fracking so it's an energy negative process where you lose b.t.u. you lose british thermal units you lose energy so where does that difference go if you're going to lose energy on every fracking well you do how does it all add up it goes to the national debt which is still in this country skyrocketing so you get these fracking corporates like quadro to get the queen to front their operations and then of course what an economically it fails because we've already seen the failure america for acting as an economically unsound way to get energy out of the ground they're going to add it to the national debt and to keep that debt from biting them and the queen's toshi to push they're going to keep interest rates at artificially low levels which means that the wealth and income gap will become even
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greater and the speculation in places like london will become even more pronounced so the cycle of interest rate apartheid and now the queen the queen elizabeth is participating in interest rate apartheid right now well that's a great legacy queen yeah you've done really well let's take this jubilee bridge tear down your discretion well one thing about the u.k. max is the prime minister writes her speech to parliament so this is why it's actually delayed by a month it was supposed to feel like a month but it's somebody have their hand up the queen's skirt and are going. to matter of fact her through to the you right. now or does she have a sense of human being i mean i know she's old she's not senile so when she has no self-respect well this is the way it works here the prime minister it's his policies he puts them to the queen the queen and that's what she's there for it's a big pomp and circumstance and makes the people except with a set now of course but david cameron is also trying to take down wind turbines
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because those are a blight on the landscape wait until you see what fracking looks like that is really a blight on the landscape but this is. how they operate this is the way politicians who wrote a speech for david cameron quadrille up their energy monopolists of all the go uplift they write their speeches for david george osborne and the queen is just i'm surprised you know because the queen you would think she'd have more. well whatever so let's turn to what george osborne is saying chancellor george osborne is offering generous tax breaks to kickstart the technology he believes fracking for shale gas could herald an energy revolution that will boost the economy make britain more self-sufficient and put an end to sky high bills from greedy energy firms notice how he uses greedy adage the firm is there and yet somehow these a benevolent benign dictator i mean corporations that are going to come in and drill under your land without permission without asking you a throw you one hundred pounds these are genuine you know if you will thought i was
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the lord's would just ride over the peasants who got the way in the middle of town and just throw them a bobber to keep on going here we have the same thing is here the british population who supports invasions around the world by the way for this very sort of things like chavez they thought was the height of all evil maduro his his his his replacement is the height of evil because of he doesn't respect private property here they'll be like oh whatever they threw me one hundred pounds more is clearly psychotic i mean just in that speech are you saying we're going to protect ourselves from greedy energy companies by throwing an enormous subsidy to greedy energy companies. ok this is a psycho school of economics from the film psycho where if you recall the leader of the psycho was norman bates norman bates was a war with himself playing himself with his mother so maybe the queen is actually just one dressed up like an older woman and this is the plot of psycho so the queen
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is george of brown dressed up like an old woman and georgia is more at number eleven downing street is convincing the old woman that they should be fracking and then the old woman. george. didn't see any greedy energy companies and then and then george says yeah tell me what is it for ten years on. now here in the u.k. the crown owns all the mineral rights so you're going to get one hundred pounds to let them drill there without you to not even let they'll just drill there in the united states here's an article from two years ago ok to show you the truth beyond all this propaganda about we're going to free ourselves from russia's natural gas or cut or algeria we're going to free ourselves. there truly. learn their true on the baby i want out of here is just one of the costs of natural gas beyond the environmental costs taxpayers pay as fracking trucks overwhelm rural cowpath
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so basically they're calling it cowpats and pennsylvania west virginia wyoming north dakota texas that these are roads not built for war and these giant huge thirty three thousand kilos trucks that have to rumble through a surgeon hydraulic fracturing to get gas and oil trapped in iraq means drillers need to haul hundreds of truckloads of sand water and equipment for a single well drilling that added jobs and tax revenues from many states has also increased traffic on roads too flimsy to handle the eighty thousand pounds or thirty six thousand kilos trucks that serve well sites so technically a lot of the states say they have to pay for the you know the resurfacing of the roads after but there's no way to enforce it so a lot of the companies don't actually pay to have the roads resurface leaving the taxpayer with tens of millions of dollars and cost to repave the roads for what what'll happen is quite a drama this energy company they will incur enormous costs that will be turned times any benefit in terms of the energy derived from fracking through
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environmental cost through infrastructure costs that need to be rebuilt through lawsuits and after they extract some for the. which won't be anywhere near the amount of energy that took to get the gas they will declare bankruptcy and quadro will declare bankruptcy and they'll just leave the scene and the leave all the garbage and all the environmental waste on the sea they'll be nowhere to be found they'll probably be in switzerland somewhere and they'll just be gone and they'll just say well we're bankrupt that's the way the market works the market's a genius you're an idiot and i'm sorry but your kid's got cancer but we're quite jola now i think it's halliburton that's coming in here i think quadrille actually might be leaving and giving it to however because halliburton is the one that got the exemptions those are how the burton exemption to the clean water act in america so they're allowed to dump stuff in there this is what cheney got in there when he was in the vice president say you know really the presidency you know they're concerned about a few gypsies on the oxford street begging for nickels but they would howl bergmann
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to get your priorities up your shrink shrink for sure george osborne so here they said that texas just paid forty million dollars to fix the roads leading to the barnett shale region over in the marcellus shale which runs from new york to tennessee new york did an investigation to find out what the cost would be to new york state should they allow fracking in there and while new york state has yet to allow fracking for gas it is weighing the potential impacts on roads a draft study last year from the state's department of transportation found that hundreds of miles of roads and scores of bridges would need to be reconstructed to handle the gas industry trucks at a cost of two hundred eleven million to three hundred seventy eight million dollars because one thing about this natural gas compared to fracking natural gas compared to say what you have in russia or iran or cutter or algeria is there you know you have to dig the well and it does require a lot of transport taishan and trucks and stuff like that but it last for like twenty years here they last for twelve months to maybe eighteen months at most so
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you're going to have to constantly this is going to be a never ending and here they're saying that they have forty year supply of natural gas to. they tear up the entire countryside between liverpool manchester and sheffield right there and incredibly capital intensive and you're in a period peak peak capital peak and peak. for a start and three hundred fifty year low so as soon as interest rates pop up then all the experts all the economics of fracking completely are destroyed and makes no economic sense and you know it's just it's a nonstarter from day one but the propaganda is genius because they don't say what cameron will say what the queen will say i don't know why i'm rubbing my i like this but i know i can say is what a queen will say is that we and george osborne will say is that this is the way to get back to russia. it's russia we're going to get back to russia by fracking you to death. yeah that's
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a really good idea i think maybe just blow your brains out and save everybody the trouble of all the environmental damage so finally here even the new roads are vulnerable to these generate huge lorries because a portion of the u.s. highway to near wilston north dakota completed in two thousand and four is already being reconstructed jamie also a spokesman for the department of transportation said in an e-mail traffic across the state has increased ten percent in the past year and twenty five percent near the back and shell formation where oil is being produced so they had planned for this highway to last twenty years even planning it for natural gas fracking vehicles but it only lasted nine years the only way this fracking story would be have a positive ending is if they reported quote drilling reported they're going to replace the drill head with piers morgan's head and they're going to try to drill through the crust of britain of the earth of crude with piers morgan pinhead just point with the germy clarkson can be a lot of cheering at all on the those are those are british t.v.
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people if you don't know outside of this little druid island all right stacy herbert we got to go thank you spread to me now. stay tuned to the second half for an interview i did with nomi prins a few days ago please forgive me. look it was terrible a problem very hard to make a plan to get along here a lot that has sat with her great care place. a little. little i'm glowing.
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slow. play. a. lot of the people.
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welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time out to go to los angeles spiegel nomi prins author of this new book all the president's bankers they had alliances that drive american power know me welcome back to the kaiser report thanks for having me back max all right nomi prins many think the washington d.c. to wall street corridor is a newly corrupted one but your book lays out that this corridor has existed for quite a long time tell us about it yeah we're talking about over one hundred years so there's been a century of interconnections family ties bloodline relationships between washington and wall street powers since the turn of the twentieth century right and you discussed the six bankers involved in bailing out the markets in october of one nine hundred twenty nine and the six bankers who designed to hank paulson's two thousand and eight bail out of the markets tell us about the role of the six. the
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throughline of the big six bankers and that was by the way a term coined by b. c. forbes back in the one nine hundred twenty nine crash period where he looked at the bankers that were in charge of saving the markets and crashing the markets into that one nine hundred twenty nine period and most of them had through lines connected to the morgan bank the rockefeller family national citi bank which became part of what we have now is citi group first national bank which also became part of citi group morgan guaranty bankers trust part of morgan which is now part of j.p. morgan chase so back then you had six people that got together running the six banks from these very powerful banking families because they needed to save the markets they needed to save themselves and that's what they try to do they took their own money their depositors money and they threw it at the markets and of course that
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didn't work we had crumbling other markets afterwards and the launch of a major great depression caused by these bankers the big six families that were behind them now you fast forward to what was happening in two thousand and eight we still had six banks they were largely combinations of those banks from one nine hundred twenty nine which were also the same big six banks they crave the panic of nineteen zero seven so long through line of the same families the same individuals the same banks maybe a few different faces at the helms but today and recently these big six have had much more power over not just the financial realm but the political and financial realm ok my own way of course back and i enjoyed our it was the bankers bailing out the markets not the taxpayer so either back was more or less powerful today than they were the same like the backers of it got more powerful because they got. in a way with these same activities but they no longer at the put up the money they've
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got the government the taxpayer to do so your thoughts that's very true max back then they decided to use their own pooled money to save the markets which which didn't necessarily work but they came out ok because the same big sink banks today were similar derivations of the big six banks then so they did survive but over the course of those decades in between they found ways to push the government to push washington to make sure that their mistakes were bailed out by washington policies were bailed out by the taxpayers and this was something that happened through the third world debt crisis in the one nine hundred eighty s. the asian crisis in the one nine hundred ninety s. the most recent financial crisis in two thousand and eight which is still ongoing in terms of the government initiated bailout with respect to the fact that the federal reserve is carrying over four trillion dollars of securities just to continue to keep these banks operational in the very many devious practices in
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which thing gauge oh let's talk about goldman sachs for a second because of course you were part of goldman sachs very successful goldman sachs and you were there during its on one goldman sachs transition from a private partnership where the partners are putting up money and taking risks so it's i'm more it became a publicly listed company owned by stockholders the same as like what it became a public company no longer a private partnership the risk started to ratchet up dramatically and a lot these crises kicked in much bigger than they were before because what you're talking about here the partners did not have the same kind of stake in the game or skin of the game as they had as a private partnership correct. you know when when partners were putting up their own money as if an individual were putting up his or her own money the inclination is not to take as much risk you'd much rather risk someone else's money than risk your own money and so there's two ways to do that one is if you're goldman sachs
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and you go from a private partnership to a public company and then you're effectively using shareholders backing for your risky endeavors and the other way is if you're one of the big six commercial banks which now goldman sachs is part of and you can use federal insured depositors money to also back those bets so either way you become a riskier party and you become more of a threat to the national and international global economy in the financial markets couple that with the massive growth in the derivatives market and all of the complex securities that these banks goldman sachs included have been able to engineer and they is a much riskier component to all of their practices on the rest of us and i think a lot of people lose track of the fact that making money is really two piece to two part proposition there is the rewards and then there's the risk and how much risk you're willing to take to get those rewards if you're using derivatives to eliminate the risk or simply taking all the rewards then you engineered
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a system that we have today we're being aggregated to the very top of goldman sachs of course is a great example of that they're making more money than ever but they're also taking a less risk than it ever taken in their history and that's the key i think to examine why the system has become as corrupt as it has there are two corridors of power or a two track system that wall street and washington may say of the track of ideological propaganda and then there's the hard cold reality how do you see these two working together well the idea of ideological propaganda is the notion that we live in a true democracy that we have a true republican that anybody on the street can. become jamie dimon and the reality is that's not the case jamie dimon infiltrated the whole j.p. morgan chase constellation and is probably the most powerful banker living today j.p. morgan who started that legacy was also
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a very powerful banker and his family members as well as the rockefeller family members in the stillman's and the algorithms and all of these very powerful banking families have created this dynasty whereby they are also in the top echelons of financial power which they use to press to political policy and through washington real individuals on the street don't have that kind of access the idea of a true democracy doesn't therefore exist because you have such a concentration of political and financial power in the hands of a very few families or their colleagues or their proteges there's no way i want to touch on the one thousand and thirteen carried at jekyll island of course this is where the creation of the federal reserve bank was was created and how does it alter the course of american democracy and the economy that's obviously a broad topic i want to get to another question of on the end of this i just of the two minute version of that's possible. really quickly senator nelson
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who was the lead man at the senate finance committee who took a bunch of bankers to jekyll island in one nine hundred ten who were mostly lieutenants of the morgan bank j.p. morgan did not attend that's how power works but it was his membership to the club that gave these people the place to create the fed to sort out what would be the bank to the banks what would be the backing with a quasi government name but really for the private banking community for the hundred years since and that's why it was very important for the political financial history gave bankers a place that could save them in times of trouble and from a political standpoint it gave america this notion that the dollar would be backed by some quasi central bank that would enable it to become a financial superpower on a broader platform as well so it was a very good collection of political and financial power working together to establish the federal reserve ok now here's
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a question that i don't i've never heard asked before during which period in american history did backers of the least power over washington d.c. how did it happen and could it happen again. after the crash of one nine hundred twenty nine when the country fell into depression and f.d.r. became president a little known fact is how much f.d.r. relied on some of the banking families and some of the bankers to pass the glass steagall act of one nine hundred thirty three which separated the speculative activities from the commercial activities that banks were practicing and by doing so created just a stability in the economy for finance and it also kind of tamed some of the banking activities and the bankers that were running these banks and that were friends of f.d.r. during the period of the thirty's and the forty's were much more humble if you can believe that about bankers then you know the likes of jamie dimon today are j.p. morgan before that and then we had
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a second world war and there was this idea of unity so they weren't trying to screw the nation they were busy engineering war funding and so forth with f.d.r. then the cold war happened in they were busy expanding globally and they were wrecking less havoc nationally and they were more aligned with the president so they still had power but their power to wreck things was much more subdued in the wake of the glass steagall acts through world war two through the cold war and really into the one nine hundred seventy s. when they discover that oil was a really good way to break away from having to work with the government and find their own x. turn all pools of money that they could then exploit internationally. of course before jamie diamond and j.p. morgan there was of sandy weill who brought together the merger of citi group and travelers group insurance company which was against glass steagall the law that you talk about that came in after the depression the theory being that they would just put these two together and then worry about changing the law or rewriting the law
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later it's up or the problem is that back or simply feel that they're above the law they'll just rewrite the law later the laws are keeping up with what they're doing they have no or no regard for the law whatsoever. they can totally make their own laws and that's been established with sandy weill's and glass steagall and so forth but it's important to note that even under the bush administration before clinton came into power and the glass steagall act was fully repealed was that you had individuals from wall street inside of washington trying to dismantle those laws to begin with sandy weill kind of use what was going on inside of washington which was supporting the bankers idea that if you bring down all those glass steagall walls banks in america are more powerful therefore america is more powerful in this was a really strong ideology that presidents on both sides of the aisle and bankers believed and so when came time to really push that loss through it was after the bankers already invoked the dismantling of the law and went ahead of the law so
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that is definitely something that they are doing but it was not without the help and the support of what was going on inside washington from presidents reagan through bush through clinton and so on all right will we approach thanks so much for being once again all the cars report thank you all right that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser safety herbert i'd like to thank our guest nomi prins author of a new book all the president's bankers if you'd like to get in touch tweet us a kaiser report on exxon bio. technology innovation all the developments around. the future are
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covered. leg. length plays the try to play play play pulling out of. your life for sure playing every minute. lead the way. the lead. like the place. was full swing the same setting all time places is mostly to blame sometimes for nothing which led to this season and. it's not just keep up the story you'll be just if you see a stage eight look to be a little blood speech was. led
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. how's it going everyone i'm abby martin and this is the break in the set so the u.s. navy just announce an incredible new technological breakthrough that military officials are calling a game changer and no i'm not talking about sharks with a laser beams and out of their heads instead maybe researchers have figured out how to convert seawater into fuel yes navy scientists have achieve this goal by extracting hydrogen gas and carbon dioxide from seawater and using a catalytic converter to change them into liquids that can potentially power ships and planes amazing now it should be noted that the specific process does not result in a carbon neutral fuel yet another process using seawater could before you get too excited
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this is the navy and of course the water as a new power source is only being considered for military purposes vice admiral philip coleman said quote developing a game changing technology like this seawater fuel really is something that reinvents a lot of the way we can do business when you think about logistics readiness yes instead of realizing how seawater could revolutionize all transportation the vice admiral is excited about how seawater fuel will help logistically the navy so if you think that this type of technology shouldn't just be explored for the military industrial complex and joined me to come to the right place but let's break the sets. the. against a. very hard to make. sure. that he ever had sex with her hair.
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as i covered on the show yesterday afghanistan how elections over the we're going to replace outgoing president hamid karzai and as a result of slowly trickle down it appears that no candidate will meet the fifty percent threshold to avoid a runoff election next month so to get on the ground perspective of afghanistan's political future. has this report from cool. by most accounts this election was one that exceeded expectations both in terms of turnout and the relative calm
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on election day an estimated sixty percent of afghans headed to the spalls despite the very violent run up to the vote with the taliban carrying out a series of bloody attacks aimed at disrupting the process and scaring people from casting their ballots now there wasn't an immediate indication of the kind of widespread fraud that haunted the two thousand and nine election when more than a million votes had to be disqualified but it is still too early to make any declarations or assumptions here as for the contenders they've been described as a mix of warlords and technocrats at this point based on a very unofficial preliminary figures the two front runners appear to be gone and. gone is a former world bank executive he was educated at columbia universe. he speaks an extremely controversial running mate a man that he even even he described as a known killer militia commander general joseph who was accused of brutal killings in the civil war of the one nine hundred ninety s. availability is a former medical doctor a warrior also used to be the foreign minister here he too has picked running mates who have raised eyebrows one has been branded
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a warlord the other one was linked to a violent insurgent group now mr karzai is a former foreign minister zalmai rassoul who is believed to be his favorite pick appears to be running behind but it is going to be quite some time until we get the official results and i have to say that the choice of candidates has not dampened enthusiasm here people did turn out to vote in record numbers in a country that has seen its share of coups violent overthrow is installed governments this election will certainly mark the first time the power is handed over by a democratic vote so it is a very important milestone now there were over three thousand complaints of fraud officials do say that only half of those will be investigated because of a lack of evidence the biggest problem though it was a shortage of ballots across the country now that is likely due to the high turnout but it also could be because of ballot stuffing that's one concern and that is something that still needs to be investigated and of course despite the high turnout there were small parts of the country that barely saw any voters such as districts in the wardak province where the taliban hold sway those kinds of areas
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could not be monitored properly because of the security threats and what that means is we still don't have a complete picture of just how the elections went and as i mentioned it is going to take a few weeks to get the results no one candidate has a clear majority this paves the way for a runoff election likely sometime in may or early june and that means afghanistan could go through this whole process again and of course the big concern there is with the fighting season underway what will the taliban do if that happens now whoever ends up leaving afghanistan will have immense challenges ahead the next president will not have the benefit of billions of u.s. dollars in aid not to mention thousands of international security forces to help with stability in the country on the war front all of the candidates to. say that they would sign the security agreement with the united states that would leave some trainers behind but that's not going to be anywhere near the number of fighting troops that we've seen in the lead up to today the economy at the moment here is also very much dependent on international support and that will also be at risk with the twenty fourteen need a withdrawal deadline and of course the taliban were the insurgency does remain
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a threat in the next president will certainly have to navigate all that so a lot of challenges for whoever wins the vote here in afghanistan but by and large saturday's vote did come out without any major glitches at least for now thousands of people turning out millions in fact turning out to cast their ballots and so for now at least afghanistan is taking at least one more step forward towards a more self-determined future. that was losing catherine offered porting from kabul afghanistan. everything we consume in this country is regulated by the food and drug administration from food to medicine americans rely on the f.d.a. to judge the safety of these products but unfortunately public safety is not usually the agency's number one concern and you don't have to take my word for it earlier i spoke to a former f.d.a. special agent gary collins who's experience corruption at the agency firsthand
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members ask them why u.s. food regulations are so much more lax than other industrialized countries. remind best to give career we always said follow the money. unfortunately greed rules all . in the sense of regulations you know there are looser here because you know the food industry wants to get certain additives that are illegal in europe and in canada. and it's a cheaper way to make food i mean it increases their bottom line and in the process makes us unhealthier so it always always seems to boil down to money and the passage of americans really knew what was going on the areas of health care nutrition in this country. they would be appalled what else are we not seen we've become kind of brainwashed to think that the health care system in the food industry is there primarily to help us and i don't know if that's the case anymore i am not putting a blanket to say they're all bad because i don't believe they are but i think there is a disconnect between the health committee in the food community and the consumer for
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our audience that doesn't understand the corruption can you give us a specific example i guess in vague terms of the type of corruption that you witnessed during your time at the f.d.a. . well i would see investigations going in a certain direction depending on who the investigation was on. and that was kind of what opened up my eyes i noticed that there would be certain targets that we would go after. and there could be no other reason besides it was to someone grinding an axe somewhere up above us in the field area far as in the field offices it seemed that the organics industry was taking a lot of brunt and hold this stick practitioners natural pass it seemed to be kind of a focus and i could never understand why. some of these people were doing some pretty harmful things but it just seemed that at that time we were going after this
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certain group more than others. you know was it a coincidence i don't know i doubt it. speaking of freedom and you've been really outspoken on the subject of genetically modified foods in two thousand and twelve you point out that a million signatures back a petition in favor of labeling g.m.o. as you've said that this is more signatures than any other food petition previously submitted to the f.d.a. what interest are keeping the efficiency from acting on this. again it was like at the beginning of the conversation it is money. have become very profitable and it's a machine. you know g m o's for the farmers they instead of using their own seed to grow these crops they go out of buy the g.m.o. seeds over and over again for every planting every season so obviously the companies that produce the g.m.o. seeds are highly profitable because they have a consumer for life i mean the farmer can even it's illegal for them to even use
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their own seeds or any suit seeds during the harvest i mean to me that's just pure insanity i mean i can't even understand that gary what we're talking about money of course money is an issue and the european governments as well but they've they haven't had the same lax requirement in g.m.o. as i mean what is it about this countries that if we do you think that is just completely different on the g.m.o. issue. why i think it's our food system and our diet the standard american diet is well known for being the most healthy and healthiest diet in the world for the most part and i think when i was working with the state department in traveling around the world what i saw was there was a more can there was a better connection to the consumer and food producer there was you know small markets what we call farmers' markets is actually the grocery store for people in european countries for the most part for us we go to a huge store that has tens of thousands of items and we don't even know what they
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are anymore and there's a complete disconnect so for us it's easier i think in this country to get away with more loose regulations on products in ing gradients than it is in europe because the consumer has to see that the food producer one on one when you no longer have to see the food producer one there are thousands of miles away on some huge you know manufacturing facility basically i mean there is there's just no checks and balances anymore you know it's not just you're mentioning earlier that these additives proven to be harmful and put across america that's also banned or outlawed in another country. how are these chemicals tested approved in the first place and i know trans fat which is banned is a just massive social pressure that gets the f.d.a. to actually make these changes. it is but even i always look at even those changes will you know when i see everyone came to me i got a million e-mails people asking me about the change in the idea of trans fats and i
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went well i would have to see the regulation and see the loopholes because i can guarantee there is going to be loopholes in it to say that we're going to eliminate all trans fats in the american processed food industry right now is insanity i can't see that happening. there is going to be some some way of getting it in there somehow because it's so much cheaper to put trans fats in our processed foods than to actually put real healthy fats into our foods so again it comes to two money so i'd be curious and we won't know it's going to have to play out it'll take you know probably five years before we even see if this actually comes to fruition or people forget about it which usually happens and we go about our normal lives and we don't even understand how to read the food label to see if there is trans fats in it in the food label looks like a foreign language it's just all these crazy sounding words that i have no idea you know i mean of course people have no idea what they're eating but honestly i mean
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what about the other additives how do we get like aspartame in i mean there's so many other ones that are just flooded proven to be harmful and gary what do we do about it and why are they just flooded in the marketplace with minimal testing. well what happens is you have now a chemical companies basically who are involved in the food industry and these like aspartame was found by accident to be a sweetener i mean that's not what the original intention of the chemical was but that's what it ended up in in the food industry the only way you can change it is for the consumer to change it and i always. what i teach in my writings and my philosophy is that you will affect change by not buying those products and simply going in and supporting your local farmer supporting your local economy building a relationship with those individuals because you have to change it from the grassroots level from your community up if you try and attack the federal
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government or the big agencies you're just beating your head against a brick wall one hundred percent agree with you there gary collins former f.b.i. special agent really appreciate you coming on coming up i'll talk about the controversial new film on our diaries you know imus said. i am the president and i decided not to work for race. to. the bankers. that it's all about money and i'm the special
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effects are politicians write the laws and regulations that bankers. out. there are just plugged in today's. top of that. for everything we learn about violence in this country there is a more taboo type of crime and demick in certain cultures that may be foreign to many of us living in the west it's called on or violence or honor killings and if the act of committing violence or murdering a family member or a member of a social group due to the belief that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family or group for his or her actions and to bring dishonor could mean anything from refusing an arranged marriage to being a rape victim to engaging in homosexual activity despite my best efforts to find
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current stats there's a little and hurtful data on honor killings worldwide but in two thousand the un as demanded that five thousand women are killed every year for dishonoring their family is about the number might be severely under reported seeing as how in two thousand and seven the number was well over one thousand and just one pakistani province this practice occurs and many cultures and as explored by several women in a new documentary called on our diaries the woman featured in this film all have connections to muslim society and are currently engaged in advocacy efforts to empower women and effect change here's a clip. shying away from criticizing anything that's different because we don't want to be seen as the type of people who would restrict people's expression you know and i think that that's very very well motivated why did it be buddies of to say that muslim women oh do you arrived humanity
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because people are you know slapped with these labels of being in islam awful and people don't want to speak out and when you do dissent you were threatened you were bullied you were intimidated and that's happening here in the united states yes on the surface on our diaries. about women who are closely connected to islam speaking out against the very real horrors that occur throughout the muslim world although the message of these women may be genuine a closer look at who made the film reveals a much more insidious agenda that goes far beyond simply promoting women's rights. sitting on letters from the underground writes those working behind the scenes use the film's theme of women's rights abuses as a way in which to obscure their involvement and histrionic anti islam campaigns they continue to push their islamophobia this time with a semblance of legitimacy she's right the producer and writer of the film pollack skin has also written about israel's non occupation of the gaza strip and deemed
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the gaza flotilla part of a political war to demonize israel and it gets worse alex trainmen is another producer and writer who was also the director of a film called bomb iran that cheery flick was written by a pro israeli organization the clarion project now the clarion project is a group that is quote dedicated to exposing the dangers of islamic extremism and is best known for its other work which includes an obsession radical islam's war against the west and the third jihad radical islam is a vision for america and the executive producer of honor diaries is the founder of the clarion project fails shore now the clarion project is funded by three of the seven top anti islam and anti muslim organizations in the u.s. and it's called the cold life blood of the islamophobia network in america by the center for american progress but we can't forget about the other executive producer
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of the film and the resident expert on her see leave who once said that islam and no not just radical islam islam as a whole must be abolished and those that hearing of the religion crushed needless to say the film has stirred much controversy across the country and has been. tested by care or the council on american islamic relations but those who defend the film claim that the term islamophobia is only applied to those who are brave enough to take on radical islam right because it's not like the entire western world and its insane military might isn't already doing that you know by regularly innovating and drone bombing in sovereign nations across the muslim world. look this film no doubt has an important message that we all should hear but at the end of the day we need to look at who made it and what the intentions of these people really are beyond it's photo legitimacy on our diaries is prepackaged propaganda
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that will be used to perpetuate a culture of fear hate and a further demonize the muslim community because once you're looking through a lens of us versus them humanity is lost and subjugation of the muslim world becomes that much easier. america's long prided itself as a country with a world class education system that over the last few decades the performance of u.s. students as bone in the ranks when compared to other industrialized countries the two thousand and thirteen international student assessment on the education systems of over sixty countries showed that the u.s. continues to underperform on the really major focus areas science math and reading the study adds quote and math american students fell to twenty ninth place from twenty fourth in the prior study and science they drop to twenty second from ninth teen perhaps most shockingly they fell from ten to twenty eighth place in reading
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so what's fueling this decline in american literacy and what can be done to reverse it well this is the subject of a new book called blueprint for a literate nation a guide to improving the u.s. literacy rate and here to break it all down i'm joined by the co-author of the book and president of literate nation dr richard long thank you so much for coming on doctor. nice to see you so i think it's really surprising anyone who reads your book or learns it in a sick thirty two million adult americans can't read roughly fourteen percent of the population how did this happen and go over some of the other shocking findings that you've outlined in your book well in our book we talk quite a bit about what it's been done what hasn't been done what needs to be done to turn this around it isn't that the fourteen percent of the country the adults in the country can't read at all it's that they can't read well enough to participate they can't read well enough to really read to their own kids and to engage in productive part of society really really tragic and of course the book outlined out in the
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book outlines that literacy isn't necessarily the fault of students or teachers where is this issue rooted well we're not investing the way we need to we were fifty years into the war on poverty and we still have a credible inequity of resources between you know kids who are growing up in poverty and kids who are growing up in wealth there's some communities where he is have nine hundred thousand dollars being spent in community a and ten thousand community and guess what nineteen thousand buys you a whole lot more buys you more books by more technology by she teachers who have better professional development and so we're tragically under investing just across the board and is this investment rooted in the disproportionality of certain states i mean i want to show you a map here minnesota mississippi as an example if we could pull that up as just an extraordinary disconnect here where does this disconnect come from is it just a matter of investment in the state it is a long term investment in not just in the students but it's also in the teachers
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and it's looking at trying to make a difference in in having the resources there in having the teachers have the resources to know how to teach those kids who need extra help i mean the kids of poverty go to school can garden first grade five thousand words my kids went to school with thirty thousand words and every year. here that gap actually gets bigger and the irony is we know how to change this we know how to teach the teachers to make a difference and in minnesota they're investing much more in their teacher education they have much better policies about how to do this and in places of high poverty we're just not doing it and we're sitting back and letting that happen and that's not so disparate as you just see that we can do it and then you look at countries like finland and sweden the scandinavian countries that are doing it right what are they doing that we can learn from well that's one of the things that i think is really interesting in this in the statistics you opened up in the piece a study talks about these countries and it's not just finland and it's not just the
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four tigers it is across europe and in parts of latin america where we see that people are saying this is important we need to educate our kids because the people are important and capital is important that's was going to be doing the manufacturing in the future this is what's going to make for a productive society we know how to do it they're doing it and we're holding back and is it just kind of more focused one on one i guess in terms of reflecting back to america kind of the standardization the push for the policies of no child left behind kind of the common core policies is there a disconnect between those two teaching methods as well the common core you see here. and no child left behind is here no child left behind it is talking about accountability of the system in the common core we're talking about totally changing that and emphasizing what what kids are going to need to be effective in order not to go to college needing remedial programs about
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a third of the kids right now need remedial programs we need kids who are graduating high school at higher rates but able to do the advanced training of advanced manufacturing and we're not doing this in to the degree that we need to be doing it so i know that your book also kind of outlines this this blueprint i mean can you grant. break it break it down i guess and a couple minutes or so what the answer is how do we do it well we need to be investing in teacher education we have teachers graduating from programs and they're not getting the knowledge of scientifically based reading instruction evidence based reading instruction we have about thirty to forty percent of our kids across the board who need you know not not extra help but a different type of teaching instruction whether they're in high poverty schools or language minorities where they're dyslexic or somehow have a disability or they're just struggling readers these kids need the help and they needed to be tailored towards them so we need the teachers to know what the science
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says we need them to also know how to implement it we need them to be able to practice it i mean we have you know our best programs at the ivy league level they produce a handful of teachers and then the vast majority of new teachers come out of out of almost not mills but they're producing hundreds of thousands and they're not getting the practice teaching they're not getting the follow up mentoring activities that we need in the school they're not getting the professional development once they're in the schools because other spotted her because i mean look at the evolution of how schools are in class sizes just keep getting bigger and bigger of course that makes so much sense that base value the smaller the class the more kind of personalized interface that you have with a teacher knowing that each kid as an individual here and stop looking at them like numbers there is a certain amount of responsibility of course in the family is there anything that parents can do to kind of help the student become more literate well clearly parents are a big part of the solution of the first teacher they're active whether you're reading to your kid at night calming them down and getting ready for bed or if
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you're taking to the food store and talking to them about your you're talking about before what's on the label what's there breaking it down showing them that literacy is important in fact even you're reading a book in front of them and talking about it expanding the vocabulary talking into . that's what makes it rich but also one other thing getting with the school don't accept the excuses don't say oh it will be better we better ask the pointed questions as i said we know how to solve almost all these problems the question is do we have the political will to do it the political will turn off the t.v. pick up a book. read it with your kid and thank you so much dr richard long president literate nation and co-author of blueprint for a literate nation really appreciate i know. that our show you guys join me again tomorrow when i break that all over again.
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cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. this was in the washington well it's
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a miss andrews being suggested in the list of numbers of the. candidates for the prophecy of current issues actually back to and doesn't do too much for ad revenue my own tech agriculture giant teeth on a seventy six year old american farmer in eastern india fallout do you think this is going to create for the cia do you think this is what's triggering a race america's the largest economy in the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of the world breaking the set is mostly about alternatives to the status quo but one might give real alternatives points to looking for the american dream the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers are forced to wake up and start talking about the real causes of. today and signs of progress says secret peace.
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where strangers are feaster case saying what he. or isn't so. easy to distinguish told. to just leave. me just to go to practice i just burned the bus and the police i think this is the girls also think there should be some jail there i mean you do you also record the ukrainian
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city but can't tell people can you make sure that you're not. going to get into both. the christlike and like the summary of the newest pictures of the burning cars trucks with. templates to finally get the peace which the wrong let me read sieges frantic of all the stories breaking news this hour wolf night at nine o'clock the families make them a. very good evening should this is our team come in july from moscow is just off there at nine pm here and i want to kevin i want to go straight into breaking news from kiev to gus has been used during clash. in the ukrainian capital after rioters attacked a police bus which was blocking their way. also russia. which you mentioned.
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here. to keep you like to do what you have to ask your. children should be the leader. we need to. keep on the spot because he knew he. will just call them and understand. when he would be home he was breaking news i actually have to get to the airport and then straight off that way he's going to get through to work so this is because my for him but just because he's right the middle of it all it could be seeing a revolution and he's right there and he's going to be witnessing it and he's going to be reporting about it for more oil is our life right now i mean that's where more in ukraine of course. to let's go. was pretty clear would be spending most of our night outside in the cold. it's
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a good argument for those who think that we have a glamorous job and we're. always enjoying it and stuff. and i have many of them because i don't have a lot of that my name is margaret hellhole and i've been with r t international for a few months and seven days and i don't have an office and having just moved here and this is actually my office the chair and right now and i would prefer the floor i think even if i did have an office that's where you do my best thinking i was actually sitting on my couch in kentucky flipping through channels and we started watching our t.v. and. i remember thinking i have to work for that i love this stuff. i am slowly becoming russian. i'm actually you know you're becoming russian when you start enjoying their food which is that.
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so. you can't. really speak for. all. her. not actually comes to straighten itself. pressure. her problem was there for her. so this night. ok for later in the. to. endorse mccain. now wait. moving here is so hard you really have to have some serious guts to do that and
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it's tough it's really tough not ever having lived outside the united states and it's hard. because he said this is what it was like except it's called there are usually. good people and not so sunny if. i commute probably an hour and twenty minutes every day walk to the metro here get on one train and change trains go up and then walk another twenty minutes. which is really challenging to do that. i just want to be able to board what is really objective truth that people need to know. that's why i want to. love maggie is that
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when you come he would put your best foot forward i don't know how she really feels about the way she is and if she actually comprehend what it's like one of the big step this is for her and told her well meaning it's going to keep getting how is she going to deal with. everything you say does being just being judged was being just you know all of these elements can add a lot of stress. so you need to toughen up. how are you ok and so normally bend down and talk to you. sort of thing is we have basically a great story to cover this weekend and you will never know but it is it's a great story basically it's a russian be for me it's like a usual russian tradition to die for in. this case for. i was swimming basically so be just swim for little bit just dive in and come back
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but it's like it's a great tradition and a lot of people are doing this so it's like it's really tough sometimes because it's winter and russia cold take a look at the pictures these seems like a nice one for the weekend race peace are you serious going to do this this week or you think there is where we are in a minute or so what's the worst protest to be done i mean it's see it's sort of journalism sometimes it sums some crazy stuff and she read sometimes to some tradition from russia all right i'm on it sarah particularly. i do think this is a story that they give to new people to haze us but my predecessors have done it and i am gung ho about jumping into the freezing on this weekend i think that it's going to make me better reporter. well i'm going to prepare for the story of jumping into the freezing water by standing outside for twenty minutes today.
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which. they have the storm well which now has a tendency of turning violent. which is really untypical for this country for this part of the world which surprises me to be honest. so we'll see how it pans out on the two weeks ago i left. and was pretty calm here and this week they adopted some laws which the opposition believed to be. suppression of freedom. and the repression and everything else and then the people gathered for for a meeting as they usually do on sundays and then bad things started to happen so now what we going to the place the very heart of ukrainian capital where rubber bullets are flying as we heard the reports on twitter some scene reports on twitter . and tear gas and pepper gas and rocks and policemen are being beaten so. we're in
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for now the rollercoaster which ukraine has been in the boss several months three years i spent living in kiev and almost ten years i spent covering stories in ukraine i never expected that i'll be smelling pepper gas in the heart of ukraine this is unbelievable seriously but now the protesters are throwing rocks at the police and the police response by throwing gas grenades and flash bangs at them so it's a mess right now when you work at a protest especially if it's a big protest on a collapse the one thing you which you always must avoid doing is getting in between the lines let's say you have the part of the protesters alongside a lot of the police on the other side you mustn't get in between them because if you do you have a almost one hundred percent chance that you'll get a rock in your head or an accidental bateson or flash bang exploding at your feet that's going to happen that's how it always is with ukraine you can never accept expect anything. it might start with a little teeny weeny thing and then it goes boom. and turns into something
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politically or head as in this case violently as well. we're going to war zone buddy. jokes aside it's getting really serious here oh there's there's a smoke there's the fire. there we are. it's burning the welcome to the mess which is the ukrainian revolution. who. look at the water cannon. it's actually against the law and ukraine right now because the law says that the water can and can only be used at temperatures above zero now it's minus nine what they say though is that they are trying to extinguish the blaze the truck which is burning over there they said that they are trying to extinguish the blaze but nobody buys that. see that we have the flash bangs. the protesters are throwing rocks at the police and the police
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responds by throwing flash bangs at them well we'll check this out i mean it's on as we get our stuff we will check this out. correspondence here and see you. as a part of the if any celebration and i am no exception hopefully i will emerge from the i.c. a life. magazine new. i guess there's a tradition for a new foreigners coming in. to make the plunge year say this year it was they. had to do it and we knew that it was going to be difficult for her but i would never do that. i would rather go to a war or like jump off the airplane. and just people.
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join me. for to get impartial and financial reporting commentary interviews and much much. only on bombast and on. i think. we're going to go did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and as crass a seven year old we've been hijacked why a handful of transnational corporations will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one still just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of
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what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem to try rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing and if i ever go ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. i know c.n.n. the m s n b c news have taken some not slightly but the fact is i admire their commitment to cover all sides of the story just in case one of them happens to be accurate. that was funny but it's close and for the truth and might take. off. for goods because one whole attention in the mainstream media works side by side the joke is actually on here. at our teen years we have a different pretty. good though because the news of the world just is not this
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funny i'm not laughing dammit i'm not. good. at. you guys stick to the jokes will handle the latest stuff that i've got. you already know the law did. you get your ride you'll be all right you know everything yeah yeah why didn't. my figure spot going to be a bit busy. busy to. take. this when you see that i was telling no boobs that said. i love the only thing you're worried about it little by little good luck.
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and i want to thank you not to believe you did it is and you didn't even to be a cake becomes. visible and i tell you right. now you just knew his message that you can do right now you've been through all of this i think this is how i want to think about it you know i share these i mean this is a huge place i worry about this is what i was going and worried about and all of that is all the body's just telling you that that's what he needs to do because it's obvious it's cold honey i'm from africa and i can do this. don't over think it but he just wanted to know you over the immigrant know you want it and you don't in the letter but it's legal we think it because you've never done before and nobody else can tell you that it's not freaking good old or it's not like a big deal it's a big deal because it's got damn cold that's why do you i can't i want you to do it i want you exactly i watched you do this because there is easily that's called
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obsession about. god just do you really. you know i was a little you know this. is a cold. all right it's the magnets get. someone like you about your love life because of her ego described these attacks that one of the. to protect myself what . is it to protect a lovely man that's at different times. you know i've never done this i don't understand what he's saying because she's about to do it you're the only man around and you haven't done it yet i needed somebody with you to. do it by saying that i come up with the spirit oh thank you for the secret it's good to be skeptical oh oh oh oh.
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oh i. don't want to do that so. basically blasting the water because the whole thing about it to me is the end up like an ugly old season into a nice feelin you haven't seen the kind of best the water and then only then once the oceans that anybody else in the wood is not ok you see what. it'll still be minus eighty degrees the whole spiritual bit comes into play like you know what it was i think. they did it better than you should tell him no no you're ok she did it. wrong the piece is about to best the what if we all. let's get it let's go. exist except it's genuine this time. we've got a window we hear
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a loud. there's the protest side there's the burning the police cars are burning over there trying to extinguish it i just saw several molotov cocktails thrown at the police the police line is a bit further up the road you won't see it with a camera phone from here and that place there is the stadium. legendary coach. stadium and you see the entrances burning over there which is really strange because this is supposed to be like. those people who are actually protesting and they're burning it in front of the stadium which is really weird and then we see the remains of the police cars over there so these are there the buses the police buses which were burned we can see the cocktail still being thrown firecrackers exploded. and there's no point feeling from here i think we'll find all the fun when we go down there we need to do a piece to camera in front of the phone for the burning burning stuff burning buses
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and there that'll be the best picture obviously. but first we need to get geared up . i'm not really a big fan of these things but sometimes they can save your you know what still works in some places when they see the word press they might attack you with a bulletproof vest as well i really hope we won't be needing today but you got to be safe. from. this do some explosive television ladies and gentlemen so we got our mission to do a walk in talk to camera at the burning police buses and in front of the protesters so we're going there right now my only weapon. is my tablet right it's my only weapon which would help me to inform the world of what's happening in kiev all the mess and rioting. list.
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please list the tell some of the such as lucky play. elite. club soldiers live. eat eat eat eat eat listen to clinical. play love beat. dads book clubs i. think it's much more cold here than it is metal
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but. oh we'll. it was something well you're thinking about if you just want to get into the boat and get up just just chilling in los. lobos eat. a little. let. a little. i think actually anybody in the sense of what an achievement it is just to get him to go to some really hot a maggot shit you know increasing making my nostrils. he's achieved some stuff
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building up and. i. just want god to believe he did it. up not. to eat. me again. if he knew me doing ok but. he's like. going to the devil of a limb was i am still really cold i can't to my feet. you do experience the euphoria there is that euphoric feeling going on a part of me doesn't even believe that i actually did this but i can say that i did it along with the done some wonderful colleagues of mine i now enjoy their their crew and i'm excited i'm still reading feeling in my feelings that it would be good to your skill to take take. take
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a few shots from the other side and that would go feed it because of the speed force. you know. because i suppose there's a. shuffle. because i know. i'm telling my cameraman that would definitely be the people dismantling the basement the two strikes against the police i spoke about it piece to camera and they need to use it to cover pictures. real number one when you're covering a protest like this try to avoid standing with your back towards the protests if you do you might get hit because you won't see anything coming as i told you there were. relatively safe because nothing's coming from the outside some people. would
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be. during the first protest. i don't know a guy who had a flashback exploded in at his feet and he had like multiple injuries. the. flash bang hits you in your head probably what he did maybe even lethal. just started to save lives don't i mean it's quite obvious you can see for me about the flashbacks are coming from this side because if they were coming from the outside that i've been.
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at this rate will have to take up the gas masks. you see what i told you about it burns your lungs. if this was tear gas would have been joyful but to right now but pepper gas is awful. international news life for mostly it will change i'll say international with me here national policy expert joining us several people have died as antigovernment protests in the ukrainian capital go into a full consecutive day with a whole new level of violence and a figurehead skase and king on state and they say central kiev looks like a wolf what's happening that just when everyone thought that the protest and. we have on the whole protest movement was dying down and all hell is breaking loose
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again for the past eight hours ever since about four pm local time we can see the fires still burning the water cannons being used the police and the water cannons being used to extinguish the place but we have reports that people set up these what i can identify be used against the people the protesters up throwing firecrackers and bolts of cocktails that at the police lines and the police has responded by throwing back to flash bangs and sound grenades as well as some reports suggesting that they are using rubber bullets against the crowd but so far it's the standstill it's it's it's a very tense. tense standoff and no one knows where it's going to go.
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cross talk rules in effect going to you can jump in anytime you want. this was going to washington well it's a mess that is being suggested to the list of numbers of the media candidates
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for office even more in addition to that actually back to and doesn't do too much for ad revenue my own tech agriculture giant teeth on a seventy six year old american farmer based in india fallout do you think this is going to create for the cia do you think this is what's triggering a race because the largest economy of the world it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of breaking the set is mostly about alternatives to the status quo but one night the real alternatives points to looking for the american dream the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers in washington to wake up and start talking about the real causes a problem so. i
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would rather i asked questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question lol. think
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that's pretty. totally going to do its job did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy shrek the six. well i'm. going to go on i'm sorry and on this show we were real the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying a problem to try to rational debate in a real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture. harman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture. earlier this morning president obama signed into law two executive orders aimed at making equal pay for
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women workers a reality because he only had to resort to executive orders because republicans in congress refused to pass any equal pay legislation why is that we'll talk about that and more tonight big picture politics but also new research suggests that arctic permafrost is melting at a rapid rate that was caused the ticking methane time bomb that's sitting under the arctic to explode and america is filthy rich at that wealth is not trickling down to the people who really need it tell you how we can change that into the take. you need to know this maryland is going green on monday the state senate passed by a margin of thirty forty eight a bill that will decriminalize marijuana in the old line state governor martin
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o'malley a potential front runner for the twenty sixteen democratic presidential nomination . said in a statement that he will sign the bill he said as a young prosecutor i once thought that decriminalize in the possession of marijuana might undermine the public will necessary to combat drug violence i now think that it is an acknowledgment of the low priority that our courts are prosecutors our police and the vast majority of citizens already attached to this transgression of public order and public health governor o'malley like many americans over the past decade has changed his mind about according to an october gallup poll a record number of americans fifty eight percent now support full legalization of marijuana when just ten years ago sixty four percent of americans opposed full legalization changing opinions have translated into changing laws once governor o'malley is signs maryland's decriminalization bill the old line state will join the twenty four other states that have had to decriminalize marijuana okayed it for
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medical use or legalize it altogether as bob dylan once said the times they are a changing course not everyone is ok with this sudden shift toward decriminalization and legalization is down the road from maryland here in washington d.c. the head of the e.p.a. shelley and hart is fighting to criminalization tooth and nail leonhard a bush appointee is one of the biggest supporters of nixon's failed war on drugs in fact she's such a hard liner that when congressman gerry polis asked her a few years ago whether marijuana was more or less dangerous than heroin or crack cocaine she couldn't give him an answer. is. crack worse for a person than marijuana i believe all illegal drugs are bad is math and that i mean worse for somebody sell marijuana. i don't think any
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illegal to it is heroin worse for someone's help than marijuana. again i mean you know or i don't know i mean if you don't know you can look this up you should know this is the chief administrator for the drug enforcement agency i'm asking a very straightforward question is heroin worse for someone's health than marijuana all illegal drugs are are bad is when you don't know. two years later linhardt is sticking to her guns she told aus representatives last week that the wave of decriminalization was sweeping the nation hasn't discouraged the da was a bit harder to linhardt they just make the agency want to fight harder to fight against what you might as well apparently the plague of stone dogs that sweeping the nation after say she wanted to keep on fighting the good fight against stoners live hard told congress that she was worried about how lax marijuana policy is affecting america's back population seriously now make of the stuff up she said
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there was just an article last week it was odd that's it was about the unanticipated or unexpected consequences of pot legalization washington colorado and how veterinarians now are seeing dogs come in and they are being treated because they've been exposed to marijuana again it goes back to the edibles and goes back to products that are in the household that are now made from marijuana and it's impacting pets yes that's right the woman in charge of drug enforcement policy for the entire united states of america is worried that if we didn't clear lies you decriminalized pot our dogs will get the spins this is embarrassing it should be common knowledge by now that not only is the marijuana not dangerous it's actually actually way safer than alcohol alcohol which is legal it kills about forty thousand people every year smoking marijuana has never in history ever killed
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anyone as we move closer closer to legal marijuana we need policymakers who actually understand what marijuana is what its effects are in fact maybe who've even tried it who knows why obama kept this woman on after bush left office but it's time for the president to fire michele lynn are you just harsh in america's mail. with me for tonight's big picture politics panel are marc harrold libertarian party candidate congressional candidate for genius will eleventh district nate sweet progressive commentator and david hold bird health care policy analyst for the national center for public policy research ok you guys heard my rant isn't it time for michele to i mean first of all why didn't obama ask for her resignation was it because the republicans were blocking every single nominee and he just didn't want to go through or you know one early on in. you know early on in the obama
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administration he had sixty democrats in the senate so it probably wasn't bad but i mean nobody knows why she's still there it's a good question look i really think the department of justice that the should back off on this thing i'm doing about. marijuana decriminalization but look the states of the laboratories of democracy let's let some of them experiment let's see what happens with decriminalize you know you colorado's making money and they've got a stone dog i mean how many dogs drink beer you know i'm not too concerned about you know the dogs getting you know getting the munchies that my disease but i mean this isn't what this is that the lawyers in charge of our drug policy i mean yeah yeah government sometimes brings in people who are you know a little a little weird so let's. you know i just think it's it's shocking you know the big amazing thing about this is people have been saying this for thirty years you know michel we are isn't the first person ever to say that i make it you bring up the idea that marijuana is more dangerous to crack cocaine or as dangerous as crack
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cocaine was just amazing now that public policy and public opinion has shifted so much in really just the past five years that now suddenly she's a pariah and i think that's right one of the most fascinating developments of the last ten or fifteen years of american american democracy you know on the one hand we have radical you know increasing support for gay marriage but you also have increasing support for marijuana legalization it period seemingly comes out of nowhere. i mean it's just in the past five years that it's become the authority it's a good point mark these these see when you see one of the. changes in our our logarithmic they're not linear and they seem to be going in the libertarian directionally so we've heard these two issues well the reason president obama has a fire is because he hasn't done anything on the drug war is not anything in the form or the enemy of the drug war it's a war on americans on citizens and he can get rid of this woman any time he wants the fact that she originally got confirmed doesn't mean he can't she's not stuck with them it's a bush appointee he's following nixon's war he hasn't done a thing he can unilaterally reschedule another one hundred seventy c.s.a.
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controlled subsect he can unilaterally his administration can reclassify reschedule marijuana out of a schedule one it's not in schedule one of many states is the reason they haven't fired him as he hasn't done anything in this area and not only has he not done anything he's hindered the states he's still raiding medical marijuana as his administration the d.e.a.'s the executive branch he's still in forcing marijuana laws so it's not just that he hasn't just fired this woman but he's done other things he hasn't done anything he's totally let down a large part of the constituency the motive for him by saying he would do something on this like many other issues he's not enough to remember when he was opposed to gay marriage and then he became for it and suddenly you know i think that was one of those big propelling things i think he was actually a little ahead of the curve on that maybe just in a matter of months but he was just a little ahead of the curve on that on this he's behind the curve in my opinion and it seems to me that particular with the election coming up in two thousand and fourteen if it because he's the the titular head of the democratic party if he were the actually is they had a democrat if he were to to come out and you know reschedule this pot as at least
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schedule to see you could research you know put him with morphine more reasonably schedule three that unilateral yeah i mean this is a march is that put into schedule three with vallium and prozac and stuff you know i mean it's a schedule one that goes i'm sorry i'm not sure doing that would say if the implication is that this would help his side with the. election i don't know that you know this is an issue that is going to get you very far in some of the swing districts or even in some of the red states where you know that the democrats still have a senate seat now that it's all know in those areas that may actually may actually work it's all about turning out yes i i agree i really think this is an issue that democrats need to be careful with because i do think there are people in my generation that this is going to be a wage issue for i mean it's a meeting the understandable i you know i don't want to degrade the issue of marijuana legalization as a low information issue but it's something that people can immediately understand i think for most people my age they know people smoked pot a lot of them have smoked pot and you know they can immediately relate to a candidate he says i don't want you to go to jail for doing this for you doing
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something you do every friday for doing something that the president himself did it was a teenager and was apparently a huge jerk when he did it to me was intercepting joints from other people. with already. who did not it's not just that it's for political reasons they left it schedule one it's intellectual dishonesty a schedule one drug is supposed to be a high potential for addiction and very low medicinal value that is the opposite of what isn't right now but also very very low so if it's when you're looking at this it's not just he's obviously the fact that it hasn't been rescheduled is it just that he hasn't done it yet it's intellectually dishonest based on the how the schedules are supposed to work they haven't done it in contrary to the actual law itself and obviously for political reasons because it clearly is not a schedule one drug it's the f.d.a. that is that the it's the it's the skin there's a skid there's a scheduling component the f.d.a. is involved i mean but there's no doubt that the executive branch can reclassify you know at all the f.d.a. is part of it right there i mean what i'm going to do with the others he does it i think that the f.d.a. is definitely involved i think there is and it's like when there's an advisory committee because i think that michelle's agency the the da da you know doesn't do
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the schedule now they just enforce the law but there is a police presence yes i mean yeah if executive branch can choose how to want to interpret and enforce laws and it definitely is in the wrong way i think does anybody know how many states have or will have decriminalization of pot i mean i know alaska does and then in the twenty fourteen election so that it could be used . is the way that conservatives have traditionally used things like stopping gay marriage or you know to put god you know in the next limbo you're sure but i know it's going to be on the ballot on most of the liberal leaning new england states and it's going to be very much going to be on the ballot in massachusetts and maine definitely i think actually maine colorado style the criminal yes no legalization legalization is very very close in maine i think that's actually the state you're going to see it in next summer to go for the returning they need state yeah and if they do some of that by referendum that that will get some people to the polls for that issue while they're there the vote so it could be a wedge issue in the be politically relevant because it's there when people go to vote for us all right that's why i was saying the president should get ahead of the
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senate more of tonight's big picture politics. of the for the pledge it was a. very hard to take out a little while to get a long. life that he ever had sex with her make her look. just a little. bit. silly little. little . silly. little. going
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to the political. this was in the washington. is being suggested in the list. is in the media. prophesied. that actually back doesn't do too much for ad revenue my new tech agriculture giant teeth on a seventy six year old american farmer based in the fallout do you think this is going to create for the cia do you think this is what's triggering the break because a lot at stake but it's also the largest debtor nation in the history of the preakness it is mostly about alternatives to the status quo but one night the rule of seven points and the working poor the american dream the next they were just trying to survive it's time for americans and lawmakers are forced to wake up and start talking about the real causes of.
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welcome back when they felt that i was big picture politics power marc harrold and sweet and david hog day guys let's get back to it in honor of equal pay day today is the day the american women who started working a year ago january make as much money as all four of us. ended up making at the end of last year and so on and so what on every course so. we've got very little. you know. one of the executive orders prevents federal contractors. from. one of the executive orders prevents of a contractors from retaliating against workers who just discussed valerie celery information with each other the other makes contractors send wage data to the
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government so that the so they can analyze sex and race based pay discrepancies look for problems do something about. president celebrated the signing of the two orders at an event at the white house this month. ultimately equal pay is not just an economic issue for millions of americans their families it's also about whether we're willing to build an economy that works for everybody and whether we're going to do our part to make sure that our daughters have the same chances to pursue their dreams as our sons and whether or not we're willing to restore to the heart of this country that basic idea you can make it no matter who you are if you try. you know there is some truth to the to the republican canard that. not all women stay in the workplace throughout their careers that women leave the workplace to have babies that interrupts the career path that reduces their lifetime pay but that said. stanford economist francine blau and lawrence khan did
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a pretty thorough analysis that factored all that stuff out and they found that forty percent the pay gap you can just lay right at the feet of discrimination and the u.s. women are making seventy cents on the dollar for every dollar that men make how are the republicans in their opposition to any kind of reasonable equity for men and women in terms of pay how do they make this work for them politically i don't understand this. well i think if starters i mean i don't think this is this is kind at this point a non issue i think what obama the democrats are flailing about for an issue for this upcoming election obamacare is hugely unpopular the economy is limping along and they're just looking for something they can grab on to that will prevent a shellacking in november they tried income inequality at the beginning a year and got no purchase and now they're on to this this this pay gap. issue and
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i don't think they're going to get very far with it either and look i mean when you look at men and women who've had similar crip career paths and have both worked in the. you know both work the same amount of time in the woman has not stopped to have children or get married or any like that men and women receive about equal pay i mean those factors are they do it as a fact is that that that study was and was wrong i mean when you look at those things they do get paid roughly the equal for the same amount of work i mean you know even if this is a politically motivated executive or standing and obviously every single move but the president does regrets these acts of executive order campaign. that he's been working at since the standing interest is somewhat politically motivated i don't see how that see no detrimental to the policy at hand clearly the we have had x. in the books before to try to prevent equal pay discrimination they're clearly not working based on the statistics you know that tom just brought up you know we have
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the fifteenth amendment to protect voting rights but that still doesn't mean we don't need you know the voting rights act or civil rights legislation to further enhance you know was that are already in the books in the. twenty's one thousand about one thousand about fifteenth amendment particularly of voting rights after the break that i was yes i was but that didn't allow women to vote no but in general i think that that is that is that we are twenty at the moment as i recall one thousand nine hundred or else is the one thousand nine hundred twenty this probation yeah ok i got it yeah so that you and him are these how i see something like this it always draws attention the fact that he's willing to do things since the state of the union the executive order but he's like we've just sunk about he's not willing to do anything on drugs or the actual war this is you know the presently grasping at straws here there are very few victories in his administration that's why he's doing victory laps on obamacare that i think are going to backfire this is not a huge thing i mean i believe agree i mean it's one of those things that you know you torture statistics long enough they'll tell you whatever you want to hear i honestly don't know about the seventy seven percent i've looked it up i find
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a study here a study there and i really don't know this is a very small effort here but to federal contractors one part of it is data collection the other parts pretty weak this is what the president's doing he's trying to take victory laps on these very small issues now that obamacare is a small issue but i don't think the victories in me will you know we'll get to that but the bottom line here is this president hasn't done the things he said he's doing he's in a second term and the fact that he would even have a big press conference for this it's a fair enough doesn't does in some of the qualities not necessarily a small thing but this actual act here exactly work and again any time you see the president executive orders he draws attention to all the things he can do by executive order that he won't do and this is this is him doesn't grasping at straws and when he. i mean that the night that he was inaugurated into january to june or twenty two thousand and nine there was a meeting here in washington d.c. at the caucus room restaurant newt gingrich was at that meeting he's been on this program we discussed it he was like yeah we did that and and pete sessions said we're going to become the taliban when that was the phrase he used we are going to
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be the not just the well opposition we're going to be the opposition we're going to destroy those counties where they were doing the story of his presidency and mitch mcconnell owned up to it they had another meeting right after this the second time he was inaugurated obstruct block whether it's good for the country or not it doesn't matter we are going to destroy his presidency and it sounds to me like you guys are are not complaining about the president you're bragging about the success of the republican strategy yet i mean it's really easy to belittle the executive order strategy as the president doing nothing and he's going to be able to you know he's a political president but the reason he has to resort to executive orders equal pay issue is because every time the equal and the most recent equal pay bill has been brought up in the house of representatives republicans have killed that it's now being brought up for a third time and it's very likely going to die again and you know i just don't see how what the president's doing here is a sign of failure if he's trying to inch toward successes that republicans will never let him achieve will he can you want to really get us out of the war the millions anybody think mitch mcconnell or newt gingrich could have kept him from
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pulling us out of the war like he said he would he can do that unilaterally or mandarin drugs or you know i'm talking about the foreign wars he's energy and it's underlayer he took us out of a record right and he said he's going to have it on him but i'm going to i don't believe will be out by the time for but the bottom line there is you know he hasn't pulled this out and again he can do a lot of things unilaterally he just hadn't tried to do and we just do and this is equal pay act or like other discrimination laws it's going to force employers to deal with disparate impact where the burden is on them to prove that they're not discriminating as opposed to the burden on the plaintiffs to prove that they are it's going to be very costly for business it may backfire against the people that you're actually helping because the employers might be less likely to hire them. and then hang on hang on hang on we hear from republicans well if you put it this happened i mean a lot of the anti-discrimination laws do work this way and that do tend not to say your nation are ugly and to discriminate and that's why there's going to nation again i just ate so i don't see how that's a you know a worse scenario than employers being allowed to fire workers and retaliate against
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them for discussing their pay that seems just like a common sense law you would want for you were speaking about that yet but i do know him for you know beach that protect you from the government not from your employer we're talking a contrapuntal contractors over this so i mean it's a gray area they're going in a chaotic company i speaking of freedom of speech on thursday brendan i stepped down as the c.e.o. of mozilla the company makes firefox i could be the target of heated controversy in recent weeks over support for the two thousand and eight campaign it would been gay marriage in california. ok cupid for example urged its users to boycott mozilla which makes the the web browser and he made a statement before his resignation he said i am can committed to ensuring that mozilla is and will remain a place that includes and supports everyone regardless of sexual orientation gender identity age race this of the economic status or religion i will not tolerate
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behavior among community members violates our community participation guidelines for employees you know basically he's coming out and saying yeah back in two thousand and eight i made a contribution to prop eight and but that's not who i am right now and that's not what i'm all about and i'm not some kind of you know on a crusade and back in two thousand and eight that was president obama's position was that gay marriage should not be legal in the states. and i saw this and i thought wow we're really overreacting in this change is happening so fast this guy lost his job for making a political contribution yet it is anybody else creeped out by the ira and i overreact i'm i'm really have to. mindset this because of the way in hand on the one hand i do agree with you i think it's as you know progressive as someone who values the building of workers to donate to political political campaigns without fear of retribution without fear of recrimination i'm uncomfortable about the idea of anyone you know whether bait support political campaigns that i agree with our
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political campaign and today campaigns that i disagree with essentially being punished for abuse they once had. you know i am largely agree with that i mean look mozilla should have the ability to fire its c.e.o. for something like this of you know i would defend their right to do that on the other hand it does get to the issue of what now is acceptable speech and i mean that is a matter socially not giving the government a volatile cry it would seem to me that you know still arguing about what is the proper role of marriages sidey should be something that still you know it. should be a topic that it's open and you know if you think that gay marriage is out of bounds you should be able to express that mark you want to i want to move along here yeah i mean i obviously i think the company does have the right to do this whether they overreacted he's the c.e.o. is you know the person the top your company represent of your company i think they saw some fallout economically and they thought they would loose money and they made a market decision but you know i mean it's you know. speaking of market decisions
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are or the lack of them in the market has failed several million americans the free market capitalism to the extent that we have of this country has failed the unemployment rate is above the national unemployment rate of around three percent and and the republicans do not want to extend long term unemployment benefits how much longer are they going to be able you know the senate has passed this with republican support it's now in john boehner his hands in the in the ninety seconds or so we have left i'm just very what's going to do for helping people get jobs which is what we really need to do and we have money into the hands of politicians stand yes because we've got only to it like there is this demand we've extended it six or seven times now. i wonder president during the obama administration doesn't seem to be doing what all the joe nancy pelosi who got legislation out of the house passed they were going to do away with incentives to move jobs offshore and we're going to provide incentives to bring them back republican what is the unemployment insurance have to do with them that i'm not it's not help with with the job market
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yeah i just think it's ironic that republicans talk all the time about how president obama is a job killer and i think this is already cost the economy five billion dollars and states that it's most affected and you know unemployment insurance generates one dollar fifty five cents for every one dollar of you know money it brings back to the economy i just don't see how that is not something you would want to put back in the economy in the argument is if you keep the benefits going the money goes back in the economy to health it hasn't helped have to have these endless according as of now i mean any measurable snow it hasn't measurably i mean it's not the main thing is it's not doing anything for jobs it's not promoting it people aren't getting the jobs i don't think so we sped up and did measure to a degree right but you know it did that's exactly right but you have to have some point the band-aid has to cut out that's not a band-aid budget that you don't put on the public that's not how when you just leave it actually happening right now i mean we're like we're three months out of the seat for survival in tile because there's just no other way mark david thank you very much for your sake you coming up there's an old saying that as california goes so goes the nation so what's the golden state doing to save our planet from
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global warming and what lessons do its policies have for lawmakers in other states looking to take action against the greatest threat our species has ever faced that right after birth. we welcome their innate in abby martin to. be our team at work. it's going to give you a different perspective you want to never i'll give you the information you make the decision. bring to the work the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness in. the i'm extremely new approach which would be described as angry i think i'm a strong enough under single. the shans are forcing that. six nations in the finish line a marathon. hearing
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some. think. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question more. the
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suspect. over. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioning the constitution which says that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy shrek all those. that like you know i'm tom and i'm this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going going on we go. beyond identifying a problem you're trying to rational debate no real discussion critical issues facing america are you ready to join the movement then welcome to the big picture.
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welcome back to the big picture i'm tom hartman coming up in this half hour californians are going to be getting a nice little surprise in their electric bill over the next couple of months it's all thanks to that state's efforts to go green and fight climate change what is california doing right now and what should the rest of the country be doing to follow in the golden state's footsteps also as we speak thanks to global warming ice cover across the globe is melting allowing ground that has been frozen for thousands of years to thaw out and we lose tons and tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that have melting permafrost across the globe mean game over for our planet and us and us wealth has grown by thirty four trillion since the onset of the great recession millions of americans are struggling with things like hunger poverty and homelessness how could we be the richest country on earth and still have such a huge gap between the rich and poor. and i still. believe
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resides green report back in two thousand and six the state of california passed some of the most groundbreaking climate change legislation in the nation since that was passed the global warming solutions act named the law as work wonders helping to reduce carbon emissions in the golden state while improving the lives of californians with the global warming solutions act isn't just improving the lives of californians putting money back in their wallets to begin this month millions of californians will receive the california climate credit on their electric bills part of the global warming solutions act legislation joining me now to talk more about the california climate credit and california's efforts to fight climate change is alex jackson legal director of the california climate project with the n.r.d.c. alex welcome. it's great to be here thanks for joining us at what is the california
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credit act credit. so the credit as you noted at the outset will appear on customers electric bills starting this month and it represents a share of the proceeds from selling pollution permits or carbon allowances as they're known to the state's largest emitters under the cap and trade program which is one of the key programs the state is implementing to achieve the goals of our global warming solutions act of two thousand and six known as evie thirty two. so it's in a sense i think two fold it's about a returning some portion of these proceeds directly back to house and small businesses as a way to help transition towards this the lower forms of energy lower carbon energy that we know we need to do to address global warming and be providing an opportunity to really enable the state businesses throughout the state to join these initiatives to be part of these solutions by enabling. through this this
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credit to purchase an efficient product to help pay the down do it for a home retrofit all these all these solutions that are available to customers to help lower our energy bills and lower our carbon footprint moving forward are you finding in california that you know two thousand and six there was still i suppose some debate about global climate change in california it's really hitting home right now with the massive droughts that you guys are experiencing and the possibility of an el nino making things even worse are people getting more enthusiastic about this program and is there pressure to expand or grow what are other proposals to do so. you know so the bill was passed in two thousand and six that has been a very. concerted and comprehensive public participatory process that's helped develop the programs that are going to be used to meet the targets but this is one
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of those moments where the potential to really get citizens on board and get awareness about the initiatives california is taking to address climate change this is one of those opportunities and that's why we're really promoting the credits it's something that most of the utility customers in this city will receive and i think the connections between the impact of climate change is happening are becoming ever more clear as you noted the drought is hitting every day californians you know directly and those impacts are are getting harder and harder to ignore but i think the good news is at the same time we know the solutions are to hand it's simply a matter of the political will to make them a reality we know we need to scale up the progress we've made in california but through programs and models like putting caps on pollution and distributing the proceeds back to customers we're hopeful that will help jurisdictions that have been quite this far gone as far as california. get them more excited about the
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prospects help break down some of those those false choices between environmental sustainability and economic. you know protection care and move the ball forward is being talked about caps on pollutions is is the this program this california program is it a cap and trade program or is it a cap and rebate program or is it a hybrid of the two. i think i think a hybrid is best it is that. it does it does put a cap on roughly eighty five percent of the carbon pollution a minute in california and that's that's obviously important that's and that's going to be critical for the state to achieve the reduction targets it has set out in statute but it's using you know both some form of are actually you know these carbon pollution allowances that generate some proceeds and and some of that is going back to households in the form of a credit or dividend another good chunk of the money is being used investments that
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we know we need to make to keep reducing emissions to keep driving in the innovation and and leadership so i think it's you know hybrid is a fair description but the important parts are there there's a limit on pollution there's proceeds earmarked for investments there's proceeds going right back to households are there any significant initiatives as you know the next step. yeah i think where we're both excited about is the prospect of this program now scaling up and we we have a commitment from the governors of oregon and washington state and the premier of british columbia who stood together with governor brown last fall to announce the pacific coast action plan and reference specifically the importance of putting a price on carbon each jurisdiction. to provide that boost to clean energy to lower emissions and and this this is i think one of those tools that i think is going to help elevate the visibility help demonstrate the benefits of this approach to
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hopefully get those jurisdictions onboard and then nationally we know you know the centerpiece of the president's own action plan was directing e.p.a. to put standards on power plants our nation's largest source of emissions and implementation for that program will fall to the states and we expect one option for the states to meet the standards put out by e.p.a. will be to join up with california and some other states that have pursued this type of approach. and that could be a really exciting moment to to really get it to export essentially the progress that's been made in california alex we just have twenty seconds what do you think is an appropriate price for carbon right now per tonne of carbon in a. well you know i think. we know the social cost of carbon put out by the federal government and i think we think that's a little bit too low in the abstract but but judging that the price of carbon you
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know in california which has a full your programs is a little bit of a different animal and really if you have limits on carbon if you have mandatory declining cap that's i think what's important for our state and that's what we need to focus on but for states without a price on carbon i think you know we need to really reflect the cost of the damage then that emitting carbon put in the atmosphere ok alex jackson thanks so much for being listening. thanks don. it's the good the bad of the very very kara seemingly oddly good senator kerry. speaking on the floor yesterday the senate majority leader bill lasted republicans
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for their close connection to the billionaire koch brothers saying that republican lawmakers might as well where koch insignia suits. nascar fans can easily find their favorite drivers by simply looking at the cars fly by because they are corporate emblems on what is the car and factor all over the car. your clothing here in the senate we don't bear any commercial logos and there are republican senators these days might as well where koch industries and cygnus. harry reid's right our elected representatives have become a little more than tools of the corporate elite and a coke insignia is a great idea but i think we should go even farther as i argued in my book rebooting the american dream that i devoted a chapter to a title have the more nascar patches all lawmakers whether they're democrat or republican or anywhere in between should have to wear nascar badges showing the names of their dollars that way everyone can see the congress it's real. bad
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aaron miller every person who's ever run for political office has one moment that inspires them to take a stand and start campaigning for aaron miller who's running for congress in minnesota apparently the moment he heard that his daughter was learning about evolution in school he told the young man cathode free press recently that it was taught or told the teacher that she did not believe in evolution and that the teacher expressed agreement with his daughter but told her that they were forced to teach the lesson by look up we're. quoting aaron miller the people should decide what they learned not those evil pointy headed commies washington d.c. . they didn't break it to you mr miller but evolution is a fact and if you think is tyrannical for government to require students to learn facts and probably you don't have any business running for congress and a very very ugly breitbart dot com the conservative website is under fire today for
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it's outrageous lee offensive ad campaign for its new california politics focused vertical the most controversial of the ad shows i was buying already leader nancy pelosi twerking like miley cyrus around the muscular caricature of california governor jerry brown the d.n.c. is called the ad fall offensive and disrespectful to all women and i have to say i agree by the way the artist behind the poll flosi ads say bo is a self described republican in hollywood who has in the past complained about jews on his facebook page and painted a picture of hillary clinton. titled hillary the b. word is back when it got it's just very true. coming out america is the richest nation in the way but millions of americans are struggling to put food on the table how can we bridge the gap between the rich and poor make our country work for everyone and not just the wealthy elite more on that it's a might still be to. dramas
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the chance to be ignored. stories others refuse to notice. the faces changing the world lights never. filled picture of today's events. from around the globe. locally.
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i marinate join me. in that impartial and financial reporting commentary can for news and much much. only on bass and.
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back to the big picture global warming is a vicious cycle and for proof of that you only have to look at the promo frost permafrost is soil that is typically frozen year round the cold is coldest regions of the planet it's permanently frosty but thanks to global warming and global climate change the planet's permafrost is beginning to thaw out and decompose which might be really bad news for our planet researchers at florida state university of discover new evidence that suggests permafrost thawing is releasing tons and tons of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere speeding up climate change and global warming joining me now for more on the wall that are melting permafrost plays in global climate change is dr jeff chance of the john when we're winchester professor
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of oceanography at florida state university dr schatten welcome thank you glad to be here thanks and thanks for joining us with first of all tell us you know like i said permafrost is the permanently frozen stuff but. maybe you could fill it fill that in a little more where is the permafrost what is it what about what it started out as why is it important. well right now most of the permafrost in the world is in the north in the arctic and it's frozen soil some of it formed in the pleistocene before during the last question and some of it formed early in the housing period about six to seven thousand years ago and this sorrel is in a frozen state and because the climate is changing and warming and because the climate change is particularly great in the arctic relative to the lower latitudes this is warming and the organic matter that's stored in this soil is dying and beginning to decompose it's kind of like having
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a steak that's been in the freezer for a long time and leaving that state out on the kitchen counter and having it decompose and so when when it decomposes is that a simply like a melting or release or is the bacterial process what happens what's the consequence of that and why should we care. permafrost contains a lot of water in the soil it's got frozen water and as you know ice is takes up more volume than liquid water and so when that ice melts and the landscape collapses and it subsides in other words it sinks like a cynical and. after it subsides it becomes inundated with water and it becomes anaerobic that is without oxygen and when organic matter decompose this in the absence of oxygen one of the main products of that is methane gas and methane
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is about it was a greenhouse gas as is c o two but methane is about thirty three times as infrared active the c o two. pound for pound basis one hundred year time scale so methane because the source become anaerobic because they're inundated with water you know they produce methane and that's has significant consequences for future. so what kind of what kind of scale are we looking at here and what kind of temperature change could it be producing for the amount of organic matter that permafrost is about four times the amount of carbon that's in the atmosphere is so potentially all the permafrost in the world melt that we could have c o two concentrations that are you know have been seen on the earth for millions and millions of years on the planet would become like. we become lower and i. don't think we're going to get to
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a been a situation there that there are two concentrations about ninety five percent we're going back towards. the climate that was millions and millions of years ago towards the cretaceous when there was a time on earth when there was no ice at the pole and and the global ocean circulation was significantly different you know this is not a save the earth story the earth has had climate with c o two concentrations significantly higher there's been no ice at the poles and sea level was a lot higher so this is kind of a save the human save civilization kind of story the earth will be fine but you know our civilization has grown up in a period of very quick climate very. very stiff subdued climate very systematic and that's a lot of developed agriculture and it really advanced civilization but you know if if climate deteriorates and gets more noisy more chaotic that's going to be very
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disruptive for economy and even this winter we saw you know all the airline kind of cancellations in the north and. you know it's it was very disruptive on the economy so weather and climate are important for our economy and we need to pay attention to if. do we have in the minute we have left are we looking at a process here that is a logarithmic or is a linear is a is a starting is a start is a positive feedback loop started that is as dangerous as you know with. well you know i'd like to think not i like to think that that's something that we can control and that we as conscious human beings can do something about and that we can get hold of this and turn this thing around and one of the main things that we can do about this is by is by probably having a carbon tax and mike and you know because we need to do something as a society and individual actions are important but we need we need more than that
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really you know to cut to cut back the carbon dioxide that we're putting into the atmosphere right now carbon dioxide and methane as well both of these greenhouse gases and various you know ok dr jeff chad thanks so much for being with us tonight and for the great researchers are. very good arguments. thank you. crazy alert i tend to touch this attendees of the annual philly tech week festival got a special treat this weekend for festival organizers played a giant game of tetris i'm here by sky skate squeaker. that's the organizers built the game we'll tell you the lights that are trying to dry sticks the lights were placed in the buildings glass facade and controlled by competitors hundreds of feet away frankly the game's designer and an associate professor of digital media at
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drexel university in philadelphia already took on the world's record for the largest adult architectural video games his performance of the iraqi game pong last year is fully checked with us with tetris species being the next step no word yet however on whether he'll feature flappy bird at next year's festival or you're a fan of video games or not leaving the giant tetris game is definitely an impressive achievement and one thing's for sure a giant game of django would be a terrible idea.
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it was the best of times it was the worst of times and tell you a tale of two countries country a and country b. country has extraordinary wealth in fact according to world bank national income per person country a is behind just singapore norway luxembourg hong kong and switzerland in the past six years total wealth in country a has gone up over thirty four trillion dollars at thirty four trillion equals roughly one hundred thousand dollars for every man woman and child in country and if you're a business executive in country you're doing even better because the ratio of c.e.o. to average worker pay in country is a whopping two hundred seventy three to one. but things aren't so great over in country b. in country b. three and a half million people are working full time jobs that only pay the minimum wage not enough to you know even cover your basic expenses as of two thousand and twelve forty six point five million people live in country b.
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we're living in poverty forty nine million people are struggling with hunger and food insecurity and over six hundred ten thousand people in country b. are homeless forced to live on the streets in a never ending struggle to survive country b. has the seventeenth i as poverty rate of all the countries in the organization for economic cooperation and development and the disposable income of the families in the middle income bracket a country be dropped four percent between two thousand and two thousand and ten. so what country is country a and what country is country b. . or both the united states the us is filthy rich but the reality is that only the wealthy elite are benefiting from our nation's great wealth total wealth in the united states maybe up over thirty four trillion dollars since the great recession but that wealth is not going to every man woman
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and child in america instead it's going to the wealthy elite as the blog us against green greed dot org points out as of two thousand and thirteen there were three point six million full time minimum wage workers in america and their combined two thousand and thirteen earnings were less than the two thousand and thirteen stock market gains of eight of the richest americans alone eight people meanwhile the richest ten percent of americans control over two thirds of the nation's total wealth while the average household income for the bottom ninety percent of americans is just under thirty percent thirty thousand dollars. and since one nine hundred seventy nine the top one percent of americans have seen a one hundred fifty five percent increase in after tax income while the bottom twenty percent of americans have seen just a forty five percent change so how do we get here how do we get to a point in our history where our nation has record levels of wealth with millions of people are still struggling with hunger poverty and homelessness and frankly it
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all goes back to reaganomics the income gap in america has widened exponentially since reagan took office and implemented the so-called reagan tax cuts. between one hundred forty seven and one nine hundred eighty income gains were shared fairly equally between the wealthiest americans and everyone else but then reagan came to washington and everything changed the wealthy elite we can get to take home more of our nation's income gains while income gains for everyone else. became are relatively stable in one thousand nine hundred eighty the top one percent of americans control ten percent of our annual u.s. income in two thousand and seven the top one percent controlled twenty three percent of annual u.s. income the high it's been something since the great depression. america really is a tale of two cities right now one city that seen record levels of wealth and income and is for it and is filled with people living lives of luxury and the other
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city that is facing record levels of poverty and despair whose people are struggling to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads in this divide by the way is getting larger by the day. it's time to ensure that all americans are able to share in the wealth of our great nation and that starts with a complete repudiation of reaganomics because reaganomics has been a complete and utter failure it's that simple americans need to stand up and demand that we start sharing the wealth like we did so successfully before reagan came to washington america is one nation it's time we started to act. and that's the way it is tonight tuesday april eighth twenty fourteen don't forget democracy begins with you it's not a spectator sport get out there get active your. well
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. it's technology innovations all the developments from around russia. that's huge you're covered. well if you're going to come are going to like the community college face the same type you know. pleasure to have you with us here on t.v. today i roll researcher.
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we welcome eric nate and abby martin two of the two of the coasts on the our team network. it's going to give you a different perspective give me one stock tip i'll never i'll give you the information you make the decision don't worry about how breaking the said work is the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness and frustrated with the system and streamlined public truths would be described as angry i think i'm a strong enough under single. that that. aside. i think it kind of can. do and the bad and all that all about money and other families make for a politician like the boss but.
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there is just too much. that. coming up on r.t.e. on capitol hill the administrator of the usa id vines and self in the hot seat senators grilled the agency agency's leader over attempts to influence cubans through social media the latest on the hearing up ahead and usually drone pilots launch strikes on targets from all far but an artist collective hopes to change that with huge pictures of drone victims more on this project coming up and the push continues for our ballot is lit up the golden state of the still a convent or capitalism claims that california should become multiple separate states but now there is opposition hoping to kill this ballot measure more on that later in the show.


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